Weave is an API aggregator for the travel tech industry. Weave enables applications to integrate with a number of different service providers using a single API.
When the underlying service provider APIs change, the integrations built using Weave will be updated with minimal to no development effort by application developers.
Weave will continue to support previous versions of its own API endpoints for a predetermined period of time to enable developers sufficient time to plan and execute updates to their product roadmaps
Organization account
In the user profile, create a new organization for your company. You will be able to invite colleagues to join this organizational account.
After the organization has been created, select it in the dropdown list and click on the "Visit organization dashboard link".
API key
In the organizational dashboard, create the Weave API key for the organization. This key must be included in the header for each request
A new key can be generated at any time but do note that only one key can be in operation at any time. Regenerating a new key will immediately invalidate any other existing key
Select the integrations required for your connections
Requests are made to the Weave API domain eg https://use1.weaveapi.com
Requests can only be made using SSL enabled connections
API Versions
Requests will specify the Weave API version being used. If the version is omitted (or is invalid), Weave will default to the latest API version.
Deprecation schedule: Weave will support 2 previous versions for a period of 6 months before deprecation
Each API will have an end point eg /listings
. End points may require additional query parameters (for GET requests) or body parameters (for POST requests).
Additional parameters for the request, for example authentication tokens and request destinations
curl -X GET \
https://use1.weaveapi.com/api/v1/reservations/1234 \ // Weave API endpoint
-H 'X-WEAVE-APIKEY: myweaveapikey’ \ // Weave API access token
-H 'X-WEAVE-PROXY-DESTINATION: hostaway’ \ // Proxied PMS/OTA
-H 'X-WEAVE-PROXY-ACCESS-TOKEN: Hostaway access token’ \ // Proxied PMS/OTA access token
-H 'Cache-control: no-cache’ \ // Additional header commands
Available integrations
Type | Name |
OTA | Connect Airbnb |
PMS | Guesty for Hosts |
PMS | Hostaway |
PMS | Hospitable |
PMS | Hostfully |
PMS | Lodgify |
PMS | Lodgix |
PMS | Smoobu |
PMS | Uplisting |
Origin for all requests will be: https://use1.weaveapi.com
API Version
Current API version is “v1”
Request paths should be prefixed with the API version ie “/api/v1/endpoint/path”
The following headers need to be included with each request
X-WEAVE-APIKEY Unique API key assigned to each Weave customer
X-WEAVE-PROXY-DESTINATION PMS / OTA target for the request. Current options are:
X-WEAVE-PROXY-PARTNER-KEY API key issued to customer by the PMS / OTA target
X-WEAVE-CLIENT-ID Id of the end user on the target PMS / OTA system
X-WEAVE-PROXY-ACCESS-TOKEN (optional) Access token granted by target PMS / OTA system
Overiding proxy origin
The URL origin for each proxy destination is hard-coded into Weave. To override the hard-coded origin, provide the origin search parameter eg
Returned data
Data is always returned in the format
data: [ array of normalized data ],
raw: [ raw data as returned by the proxy ]
status: [ true / false indication of success of request ]
Note: If the proxy target does not support the endpoint, the response will be returned with the data and raw fields as empty arrays
Weave is registered to receive all webhooks from every integrated PMS / OTA partner. In order to start receiving webhooks from your selected integrations, make sure to add your Webhook URL to each Organization that you want to receive webhooks. All webhooks from all PMS / OTA will be sent to your registered URL.
Weave does not retry proxied webhooks. If an outgoing proxied webhook fails, Weave will return an error to the sender, and rely on the retry logic of the PMS / OTA's webhook system.
Currently supports: Connect Airbnb
action: 'action.string', // the ENUM corresponding to the webhook event type
customerId: 'abc123', // the Weave Organization ID (UUID) for which this action occurred, if applicable
listingId: 'abc123', // the ID of the listing entity in the PMS/OTA, if applicable
reservationId: 'abc123', // the ID of the reservation entity in the PMS/OTA, if applicable
reviewId: 'abc123' // the ID of the review entity in the PMS/OTA, if applicable
Supported action string values:
Errors are returned with the appropriate error code and message
status: false
proxy_message: “......” // error message returned from target
This endpoint is used to obtain authentication tokens from the target PMS / OTA. The authentication token is then used in future requests (ie passed in the header as X-WEAVE-PROXY-ACCESS-TOKEN).
N.B. for Airbnb Connect, this endpoint has different behaviour, and must be manually actioned by a user of an Airbnb account in order to connect that account, no key is returned by the API.
client_id: PMS user client id
client_secret: PMS user client secret
redirect_uri: (optional) the URI of the endpoint configured in your system to receive the OAuth callback
code: (optional) the OAuth token code given to you by the PMS/OTA in the OAuth callback to your redirect URI (only necessary for generating a token)
grant_type: (optional) defaults to authorization_code
to generate a new access token, or refresh_token
to refresh an existing one
refresh_token: (optional) use with the refresh_token
grant type to refresh an existing access token
status: true/false,
data: [
access_token: ‘xs34…’ // access token to be used in future requests in the X-WEAVE-PROXY-ACCESS-TOKEN header field
refresh_token: ‘abc123…’ // refresh token to be used to generate a new access token when an existing one expires
expiry: 1749275583083 // expiry time of the access_token presented as the number of milliseconds since the beginning of the UNIX epoch
raw: ….
client_id: Your name, for the customer object created in Connect
client_secret: Your email
status: true/false,
data: [
access_token: 'https://connect.hospitable.com/connect/authenticate/123abc...' // you MUST follow this URL and authenticate your airbnb account in order to finish setting up the connection with Connect
expiry: '2024-01-01T00:01:02Z' // expiry time of the access_token URL in ISO-8601 format
raw: ...
Request listings from PMS / OTA
listingId: PMS / OTA id of the listing
status: true/false,
data: [
// listing object
raw: {
// raw response from PMS / OTA
Request daily calendar from PMS / OTA
listingId: (required) PMS id of the listing
startDate: return listings beginning from this date (yyyy-mm-dd)
endDate: return listings up to this date (yyyy-mm-dd)
status: true/false,
data: [
// array of calendar objects
raw: {
// raw response from PMS
Request reservations from PMS / OTA
listingId: PMS id of listing for which the reservations are being requested
reservationId: PMS id of reservation being requested (NOTE: not all PMS will respect the reservationId filter so you should expect the response to contain an array of reservations)
startDate: return listings beginning from this date (yyyy-mm-dd)
endDate: return listings up to this date (yyyy-mm-dd)
status: true/false,
data: [
// reservation object
raw: {
// raw response from PMS
Create reservations in PMS
ListingId: (required) PMS id of listing in which the reservation will be created
channelName: (required) Name of channel creating the reservation (eg airbnb)
arrivalDate: (required) Starting date of reservation
departureDate: (required) End date of reservation
guestName: (required) Full name of guest
guestAddress: Guest's street address
guestCity: Guest's city
guestCountry: Guest's country
guestZipCode: Guest's zip code
guestEmail: Guest's email address
guestPhone: Guest's phone number
numberOfGuests: Total number of guests
numberOfAdults: Total number of adults
numberOfChildren: Total number of children
numberOfInfants: Total number of infants
numberOfPets: Total number of pets
totalPrice: Total price charged for reservation
taxAmount: Tax charged on payment
currency: Currency
isPaid: Payment status of reservation
paymentMethod: Payment method
status: Reservation status
comment: Comment
status: true/false,
data: [
// reservation object
raw: {
// raw response from PMS
listingId: 9876,
arrivalDate: 2023–07-01,
departureDate: 2023-07-31,
guestName: Jane Doe
Modify reservations in PMS
reservationId: (required) PMS id of reservation being modified
ListingId: PMS id of listing in which the reservation exists
channelName: Name of channel modifying the reservation (eg airbnb)
arrivalDate: Starting date of reservation
departureDate: End date of reservation
guestName: Full name of guest
guestAddress: Guest's street address
guestCity: Guest's city
guestCountry: Guest's country
guestZipCode: Guest's zip code
guestEmail: Guest's email address
guestPhone: Guest's phone number
numberOfGuests: Total number of guests
numberOfAdults: Total number of adults
numberOfChildren: Total number of children
numberOfInfants: Total number of infants
numberOfPets: Total number of pets
totalPrice: Total price charged for reservation
taxAmount: Tax charged on payment
currency: Currency
isPaid: Payment status of reservation
paymentMethod: Payment method
status: Reservation status
comment: Comment
status: true/false,
data: [
// reservation object
raw: {
// raw response from PMS
listingId: 9876,
arrivalDate: 2023–07-01,
departureDate: 2023-07-31,
guestName: Jane Doe
Cancel reservations in PMS
reservationId: (required) PMS id of reservation being modified
cancelledBy: (required) Initiator of cancellation (eg host or guest)
cancelledBy: guest
Request user details from PMS
status: true/false,
data: [
// user object
raw: {
// raw response from PMS
Request reviews of listings from PMS
reviewId: PMS id of review being queried
status: true/false,
data: [
// reviews object
raw: {
// raw response from PMS/OTA
Field | Type | Description |
id | string | listing id |
name | string | listing name |
description | string | description of listing |
thumbnailUrl | string | url of listing thumbnail |
state | string | state where listing is located |
city | string | city where listing is located |
address | string | full address of listing |
zipcode | string | zipcode where listing is located |
country | string | country where listing is located |
countryCode | string | country code of listing address |
latitude | string | latitude of listing |
longitude | string | longitude of listing |
price | string | nightly price of stay |
currency | string | currency of pricing |
currencyCode | string | currencyCode of pricing |
personCapacity | integer | Maximum number of people that can be accommodated |
bedroomsNumber | integer | Number of bedrooms |
bedsNumber | string | Number of beds |
bathroomsNumber | string | Number of bathrooms |
amenities | array | amenities available |
website | string | URL for listing |
images | string | url for images |
propertyRooms | array | rooms available in listing |
Field | Type | Description |
id | string | calendar id |
listingId | string | listing id |
date | string | calendar date |
isAvailable | boolean | true / false if listing is available on the date |
price | string | nightly stay price |
currency | string | currency of pricing |
minimumStay | integer | minimum number of nights stay that can be booked |
maximumStay | integer | maximum number of nights stay that can be booked |
Field | Type | Description |
id | string | reservation id |
reservationId | string | Id of reservation |
channelName | string | booking channel |
reservationDate | string | Date reservation was booked |
guestName | string | full name of guest |
guestFirstName | string | first name of guest |
guestLastName | string | last name of guest |
guestCountry | string | country of guest address |
guestZipCode | string | zipcode of guest address |
guestCity | string | city of guest address |
guestAddress | string | full address of guest |
guestEmail | string | guest email address |
phone | string | guest phone number |
numberOfGuests | integer | number of guests in booking |
arrivalDate | string | starting date of reservation |
departureDate | string | ending date of reservation |
nights | integer | number of nights in reservation |
totalPrice | string | total price paid for booking |
currency | string | currency of payment |
isPaid | boolean | true/false whether reservation has been charged |
status | string | status of reservation |
Field | Type | Description |
id | string | user id |
string | email address of user | |
secondEmail | string | second email address of user |
firstName | string | first name of user |
lastName | string | last name of user |
title | string | title of user |
city | string | city of user address |
country | string | country of user address |
postalCode | string | postal code of user address |
phone | string | user phone number |
isAdmin | Boolean | true / false if user is an admin |
Field | Type | Description |
id | string | user id |
accountId | string | id of account |
reservationId | string | id of reservation that was reviewed |
rating | string | review rating |
guestName | string | full name of guest leaving review |
title | string | title of review |
description | string | review text |